searchtext: ', searchtext: 'julia-maisiess-001.4k.mp4', searchpagenumber: 1 }); }); t = d.getelementsbytagname( · , searchtext: 'julia-maisiess-001.4k.mp4

When using getElementsByTagName, the new nodes are "added" to the nodelist i already am looping through. When using an xpath query, you wil only loop through the original nodelist, the newly created elements wil not appear in that nodelist. I was already using an extended class on domDocument...

Try like this.Listing element not ready when your code block rendered. function countLi(){ var ul = document.getElementById('listing'); alert("There are "+ul.getElementsByTagName('li').length+" Li-Elements in this Documnet!")

t = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]

The problem is when I put "runat ="server"" on the unordered list. I get the error: "Microsoft JScript runtime error: Unable to get value of the property 'getElementsByTagName': object is null or undefined." And it points to a script.js which is used for the functionality of the menu...

2544. Why doesn’t Postman get a “No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource” error when my JavaScript code does? 4. Using getElementById and getElementsByTagName together.

ObjNodestatistiquePop = $xmlstatistiquePop.Objs.GetElementsByTagName("Obj") | Where {[int]$_.RefId -ge 23 -and [int]$_.RefId -le 1673} # $nr = 1 # Copy-Item $args[0] "\\$($ObjNodestatistiquePop[$nr])\$($Args[1])" # [System.Convert]::ToInt32 ? # [int32]$obj...

The heart of the problem is that these methods... document.getElementById(...) document.getElementsByTagName(...) ... return elements, as indicated by their names. However, comments and text nodes are not elements.

This question already has answers here: getElementsByTagName in JavaScript (4 answers). Closed 4 years ago. What exactly is wrong with this code?

Download the content and parse the HTML: d.LoadHtml(wc.DownloadString("")); // Loop through all the <meta> tags: foreach(HtmlNode metaTag...

The call to document.getElementsByTagName returns a list of strings numbered from 0 to the length of the list, so all of their properties (type, id, etc) are undefined and I can't really do much with them. Am I doing something wrong here?