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16 фев 2018 ... of NAS RK in the Emerging Sources Citation Index demonstrates our ... independence, strategic vision, innovation, customer orientation and the ... The article provides traditional and device data on the pigmentation of hair color black of Karakul ... Абая, общеуниверситетская кафедра политологии и ...

22 окт 2014 ... Абая Кунанбаева: к проблеме жанрового единства ... варианты blew smoke in the authorities' eyes и blowing smoke in his superiors' eyes.

Строки великого казахского поэта Абая Кунанбаева продекламировала ... со стихотворением АБАЯ КУНАНБАЕВА "Көзімнің қарасы - Black of my Eye".

Қазақша өлең: Абай Құнанбаев (Көзімнің қарасы) казакша Қазақша өлең: ... Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available.

Black of my eye Frame of my mind Drink never dry Love of my Life. Parting is winter, your absence is sorrow I wish to stay until the morrow Between your fair ...

Black of my eye Frame of my mind Drink never dry Love of my Life. Parting is winter, your absence is sorrow I wish to stay until the morrow Between your fair arms when the nightingale sings, "Terrow". The corners of your eyes sparkle and they glisten when you...

Black of my eye Frame of my mind Drink never dry Love of my Life. Parting is winter, your absence is sorrow I wish to stay until the morrow Between your fair arms when the nightingale sings, 'Terrow'. The corners of your eyes sparkle and they glisten when you...

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Абай Кунанбаев. Көзімнің қарасы. 03:15. 128. Абай Кунанбаев.

Абай Кунанбаев — Жаз, Күз, Қыс — Стихи на казахском — Казахский язык.

köz – eye, qara – black. Köñilimniñ sanası. The consciousness of my mood/desire.

Абай Кунанбаев слайд. 01:00. Black of my eye. 02:57. Абай Кунанбаев (музыка). 03:08. 51 Abay Kunanbayev.

, Black of my eye - Abai (performance by Alikhan Ramazanov at Pittsburg State University, Kansas, USA).

Аба́й (Ибраги́м) Кунанба́ев (каз. Абай Құнанбайұлы ) (10 август [23 августа] 1845, урочище Жидебай (каз. Жидебай), Чингизская волость, Семипалатинский уезд, Восточный Казахстан...

Accepting the challenge of Dimash Kudaibergen to read one of Abai Kunanbaev's poems!