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I have a aspx page where I have a linkbutton and upon clicking that link button I am calling another aspx page passing a parameter in a pops up window, like below


6. in mvc user control called form.ascx, I have a Telerik Grid contained in a div called "details".


Sometimes you want to modify a JQuery UI dialogue from within the dialogue itself (perhaps to resize or close it?). This tutorial will show you how.


Рассмотрим пример создания всплывающего окна с помощью библиотеки dialog jquery UI.


<div id="dialog" title="Basic dialog"> <p>This is the default dialog which is useful for displaying information.


Resizing the dialog box to fit the dimensions specified (~1.5 sec). Finding the first tabbable element and setting focus to it (~1.0 sec). Well there isn’t much we can do about the first bullet unless we are okay with the dialog not being sized appropriately, but 1 second just to find the first tabbable element?


RadEditor offers FileBrowser dialogs such as ImageManager, FlashManager and DocumentManager as well as others such as the HyperlinkManager, the About and Help dialogs. To enable dialogs, use the Smart Tag Enable RadEditor Dialogs option.


The dialog can originate from the main window or an <iframe>. You can call t.setNativeDialogHandler again to specify a new handler at any time. If a native dialog appears when no handler is set, the test fails with an error.


The handler is set up correctly in the web.config as I used the smart tag to set it up and the hosting environment is not IIS 7.0 . I've been trying to do some debugging in Firebug and found the 'Telerik.Web.UI.DialogHandler.aspx?checkHandler=true' returns a 200 status.


Over the past months, I’ve encountered a number of web applications that were using Telerik Web UI components for their application’s interface.


Библиотека jQuery UI. Модуль UI Dialog: диалоговые окна.


displaying information. The dialog window can be.


jQuery UI is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library. Whether you're building highly interactive web applications or you just need to add a date picker to a form control...


Описание свойств, методов, событий и примеры использования виджета Dialog библиотеки jQuery UI.
